

find all the song references

To look for the country 

He once called home 

He searches and wanders

He searches and roams

A warrior and fighter

A traveller all nighter

He finds a lonely road

And carries his load

On a beaten track

Looks up to the stars

And the sky painted black

In the clearing he finds a lane

That he follows but can’t explain

He is prepared for siege and attack

With sword and shield in his sack

The shield is not broken 

But there in it lies a crack

Where the light gets in

And how the story begins

The story of where he is 

The story of where he’s been

He’s seen the fire

He’s seen the rain

The fighter in him still remains

In the stillness and the shadows

Silently mending broken chains

A good friend lost

Sends the Prince of pain

Crying purple tears

In cold September rain

When he dreams

He walks alone

He turns to rock

He turns to stone

Sees lions and witches

And then scenery switches

He’s an island in a stream

Before he awakens from the dream

In the distance he sees

A lion being slain

Looks left and then right 

And finds a jet plane

He climbs aboard 

With his shield and sword

Sheds a purple tear of joy

Just before leaving 

Not the kind from his grieving 

He blows a kiss and a smile

He’ll be gone quite a while

He touches down

Orange meanies all around

Looking down on the ground 

There he finds a thorny crown

Counts the thorns 

He finds nineteen 

Then looks up

A killer queen

And the meanies 

that were orange

With envy

they turn green 


One September morning

The world changed 

Without a warning

In the sky after seven

Two towers and elevens 

Looking up at the clouds 

He sees they’re upside down

Crowds of smiles becoming frowns

Blue sea in the sky

Crushed American pie

Rotten answers to why

Before him stands the killer queen 

Delightfully smiling and wickedly mean

A most perfect setup just for her scene

From out of the blue comes someone to blame

A gift dropping from the sky, just as he came

She’s pleased to meet a flying prince 

He must not lay her wicked game

And try to guess her name

He sees a purple cat in a cradle 

A silver spoon and ladle

Just wants to go home

And doesn’t know when

Must escape evil 

Over and over

Again and again

With eyes wide open

He accepts an invitation for tea

Scans around the orange crowd 

Something shines, he can see

While he follows the queen

Someone slips him a key

Out there in the distance

A space cowboy points to the sea

There is his chance

His chance to get free

Hi climbs aboard a ship bright yellow 

Not another soul

Not one other fellow

Alone and onboard

He finds music playing 

Can’t hear the words

Can’t hear what they’re saying

He flashes a sign, sends an SOS

Throws out a message in bottle

Then turns the engine key

And takes off in full throttle

He reaches the shores of Africa

The girl is waiting there

A gentle breeze

The wind blowing her hair

He lets her in

He puts up the sails

Taking his chances

While she’s telling her tales

She says her story is seldom told

He llistens and watches 

Water turns to wine and lead to gold

She speaks of a land where 

you can be hot and cold

A special place where

hot peppers turn chilly

When the fog burns off

the views and terrain are hilly

People and sergeants who once were lonely

Find their loves, their one and only

In this land where she is from

Green meanies 

become green thumbs

He doesn’t ever want to leave her

But she catches the fever

He tries to defend her

Her beauty and splendour

She slips away

She fades and surrenders

He looks to the sky

A magnificent striped purple

Shouting “Why?” as he cries

Purple tears from his eyes

Then she’s gone

And she took the sunshine

He shivers on the deck

He pretends to be fine

Into the darkness once again

His one and only loyal friend

He rides out a storm

Some nights become warm

And then a surprise appears from the skies

On a magic carpet is the girl with brown eyes

With grace and beauty she flies

She says she’ll serve him well

She’ll serve as his guide

If he climbs aboard

And goes for the ride

She says when the tide is high

Her brown hair will turn blond

He must not be afraid

He must just hold on

And the flowers in her hair

Those too will be gone

Her heart is not glass

She promised she’s built to last

He has had enough time

Since his last love had passed

She takes him under the bridge

Over the peaks 

Over the ridge

Flowers appear again in her hair

By the red bridge 

A dark chocolate square

She says to him there is more

So much more she will share

At the bay

She will say

Enjoy what there is

What is hers 

is also his

The wind is blowing

Time stands still

She tests his strength

She tests his will

At night 

She lights a fire

Then says she must leave

She can’t take him higher

They sleep on the carpet for the last night

The stars look different 

Though they still shine bright 

Woken up before dawn 

By her voice

He hears her calling

He fell off the carpet

And is sent free falling

She blows kisses and smiles

She’ll be gone for a while

He says he’ll be there

He says he will wait

Without knowing what time

Or when is the date

They will come together

He says he’ll carry the weight

But he cannot tell

Just how far he fell

When he hits the ground

It’s in silence without sound

Wishing he was 

homeward bound

Wishing she was here

He carries hope

Not fear

Passes beasts of burden

Not stopping to get a word in

Sidewinders sleeping in caves

Remembering the winds

And ocean waves

He goes his own way

He knows he won’t make it home

But he will make it there

Just not today 

And not with despair

Transforms himself into a free bird

Just does it

Doesn’t say a word

Things unspoken still can be heard

He knows she is listening 

Because the stars haven’t stopped glistening 

He follows the country road

That he knows will take him home

He will be there when she arrives

But for now she’s free to roam