RHYMEfor Ari and Rashi


for Ari and Rashi

new york

The subway is broken and it’s not looking good 

Of course nothing is operating just as it should


It’s not very promising when everything goes dark

But you can still make dinner if you run down 6th, 7th, or Park


Dodging people like bullets just to save time

With the smell of weed everywhere since it isn’t a crime 


I might have just found yet another new sport 

Which works out quite well without ice or a court 


When you’re dripping with sweat running down 7th Ave

And you stop to consider other choices you have


You know Ubers or taxis are definitely not fastest or surest

Why does everyone here walk so fast but the tourists?


You can easily pick up your own pace 

But it doesn’t help that much when there isn’t enough space 


If you get past the slow walkers, the sirens, the dirt and the noise

Delicious food and company await you, don’t forget about the joys


If you go out with Rashi be cautious about complimenting her attire

She’s stunning and decorated with accessories to desire


Mention the beautiful scarf and she’ll say, “just one sec”

The next thing you know it’s right around your neck


Which is really really kind 

To receive a gift so fine


But if you should compliment her beautiful dress . . .

Her husband might stress just a little I would guess


Ari dear bro, please remember that swearing is caring

I’m sorry to embarrass you with all my oversharing 


A special thank you to my dear Alice

For leaving the kids and the palace


When you drop everything, you just stop and you park it

For just a couple hours to hang with me at Chelsea Market 


For the awesome gifts that are chopstick assistance

And the walk in the city that was not a short distance


Then like that, the day is over and you need to head back to Penn

Find the right platform and a train that leaves after ten


When it’s posted you race for the track and you make a mad dash

When you know where to go after a full day of hemorrhaging cash


Set your alarm so you get off at Hicksville

You don’t want to miss it and end up in Sticksville


Really you don’t want to fall asleep on the LIRR

You can end up in Ronkonkama and that’s really really far


Thank you everyone for everything, I love you New York

Both lunch and dinner was delicious with chopsticks, not forks


Back on the island I stop for crossing peacocks

On my my to the deli for a few bagels with lox


Driving the car with the dashboard that’s been melting 

And the sky that can’t decide if it’s rain or sleet that it’s pelting


Some things just sound stranger than strange

When you’ve been away from your home on the range


This guy orders this hot blond doppio at Starbucks 

Shouldn’t I do the same? I can’t imagine it sucks


And on the counter there’s something mysterious called pink drink

Something with ice, coconut and Açaí I think?


Well, I ordered a tall latte I’m not telling a tall tale

Starbucks has clever tactics for increasing the sale

So now they serve cocktails? I bet they’ll sell kale


At Whole Foods I just went in to buy a few spices

Of course I didn’t think to even look at the prices


I can lose myself easily for a while in more than one aisle

Good thing holes in wallets and pockets are still in style 


Thank you Ab, for your home cooking that’s so delicious

But I’ll have to escape to avoid doing dishes


I have a couple weaknesses, that much I know

And there’s so much to miss and now it’s time I should go


Leaving and parting are always such sorrow

But I have to be back to Oslo tomorrow 


Happy holidays New York and friends in the other states

I’ll be in touch when I have my next dates!


I’ll board not from Newark but from JFK 

The USA of A is definitely not Norway


I’ll see you again I promise another day