

because the rain

Oh Dearest November,

What have you done with the sun?

Did you misplace it somewhere?

Can you not remember?

So much hygge and sisu and hints of white December

I would almost consider being a sauna club member

When the going gets tough, when things get rocky

And you don’t have a team or ice to play hockey

If you find yourself attached to your computer or chair

And the sun has vanished, fear not, don’t despair

When the rain is like a visitor that refuses to leave

It’s not really a problem when you have a few tricks up your sleeve

With the Sørenga super duper visual checklist

Pack your bag you’ll want to be ready for this

You’ll be so prepared, there is nothing you’ll miss

And you will completely forget about that sky that continues to piss

There is nothing so refreshing as a coldwater kiss

So it might look a little funny to wear a swimsuit with wool socks 

You’ll have happy feet in cold water and no slippage on docks

And then you can see just how much Oslo rocks

The Oslo fjord is really a magical destination 

A dip in the water will give you a brilliant sensation 

Especially for us folks that fear the rain and the dark

Just dive right on in, you won’t meet a shark

You can say you’ve been naked at the Opera which is actually not entirely untrue

You know that you want to, I know that you do

And this is just one of Oslo’s treats waiting for you

But if jumping into cold water is not quite your cup of tea

Try an entertaining tale of DevOps and IT

14 hours and 46 minutes of The Phoenix Project you’ll need audio booked

It’s recommended by my colleague and I sure got hooked

But if your cup of tea is more like a matcha

I have something for you, don’t worry, I gotcha

While I’ve exceeded my weekly quota of that and Siracha

It’s not all for nothing since we invented a drink we call cha-cha

The secret recipe is designed by Lauren at Share

And it’s not really expensive but it is really rare

If you like matcha, chocolate and the feeling of walking on air

I can’t say much more, it wouldn’t do justice, it wouldn’t be fair

One last thing since I don’t have much more time I can spare

Of all these things I’ve tried this week and wanted to share

To give a warm welcome and a silly ice breaker

And continue my work as a November peacemaker

So, yesterday with a couple of third grade kids

They had experiments for homework, so that’s what we did

Together we made a few exploding mentos geysers

It was really good fun but I am still no wiser

I know late night hockey sucks ever so much for an early riser

Who can find plenty of words but not sleep - no big surpriser

And highly unlikely to find an interested or qualified revisor

Who would edit the strange words and ideas of a sunset player and night exerciser

Apologetically and Sincerely,

Your wired, untired, and hopefully not fired

Sunless Solutions Specialist and November Strategic Advisor