

Let me tell you about a little dangerous game

If it takes over, your life it could claim

Don’t worry, don’t despair

There are other choices for people not square

This hazardous game is of boxes and blocks

Will fast forward your time and all of your clocks

This isn’t Minecraft or Lego, so expect a wild ride

It’s highly addictive, you’ll forget what’s outside

For some it’s especially brutal and ultimately futile

But you won’t know that until your inside

Unfortunately, Jay and Max cannot be your guides

I will tell you what I can, I have no secrets to hide

If you’re ready to play, and think you can win it

You might want to think twice just before you begin it

But here are the things you need to know

If you decide and are ready to go

Turn on the machine

Select the level and scene

You’ll see the options appear on the screen

For two locations Silicon Valley or Wall Street

To advance to the valley, the Street you must first beat

There are several levels of streets, alleys and valleys to defeat

Some players have advantages and some will cheat

You must enter complex buildings and places

Without access to any bases, protection or safe places

Inside you will find bad weather and harsh climate

Outside experience doesn’t help inside it

Rooms in the buildings are cubes joined together

Contents inside shift according to weather

And inside the cubes you’ll experience wind and rain

Try to stay warm and dry, but expect to feel pain

It’s easier if you go with the flow and not against the grain

Conserve your energy, act wisely, and don’t let it drain

Beware in the game, there is nothing that is fair

There isn’t very much you can do to prepare

Put your game face on and check your feelings at the door

Put on your armor and get ready for war

I’ll give you some hints based on my experience

Your going to need a lot of stamina and perseverance

First I will mention

To pay close attention

Look up at the sky 

I’ll tell you why

The roof of the cubes are made of diamond not glass ceilings

Banging your head there is not a good feeling

Chances are not small that you will hit a wall

And expect that you will fall

Clarity, visibility and reality is often an illusion

Be aware of the walls and ceilings of delusion

Expect to enter rooms full of execs and engineers

More than likely you’ll be the only one of your kind here

The one and the only

It will be quite lonely

You’ll probably get scared

You might completely freak out

Your strength and intelligence you’ll question and doubt

Find a foundation and check if it’s shaky

Even with your head dizzy, spinning, and achy

Look around to find solid ground 

It isn’t obvious but something is there to be found

When in such terrain that is dangerous and uncertain

You have limited time to hide behind a curtain

The bathrooms are places you might lose your shirt in

Try to find stairs to go up to advance

Use caution to and be sure you hang onto your pants

You’ll find ladders to climb but don’t let down your guard

Because if you fall off, you’ll be wounded and scarred 

Beware of darkness when on ladders and stairs

There’s often more than one kind of dragon’s lair

Be aware of your breathing and the wind and the air

Unspoken or invisible toxins flourish there

Leave quickly if you smell poison anywhere

Should you find yourself in a cube upside down

It is a good time to call Brene Brown

Your view is all skewed without the bearings you knew

This is extremely challenging to get through

In situations so tricky, you will wonder what to do

Many people start with grace and agility

Authentic, skilled, and well intentioned, not questioning their ability

But kindness can be seen as weakness and liability 

You can harden your soul to pretend you’re a warrior

But when your upside down in a box, you couldn’t be sorrier

All the scars and the burns unhealed from the past

From leaning in too far and free falling fast 

A few options are available but none that last

You can turn yourself invisible or become frozen glass

Or pause the game to restore stamina and hope to outlast

There’s no safety nets and you need to stay strong

Even at times where you don’t fit or belong

When you play this game be aware of mental energy waste

Those hungry for power will leave you with a bitter taste

Inside the spaces and the cubes, everything is limited and resulting in feuds 

If you get in to the boys club and hang with the dudes

You might have a small chance to get through

But you will need to have energy left to pursue

Those diamond walls and ceilings

Are well designed for energy stealing

Expect punishment and scolding for stirring the pot, 

It’s not what you want but it is what you got

In this game, your actions, your effort and sweat

Can easily be perceived as a threat

I warned you earlier, this was never a fair game 

But there is nothing and no one to blame

It is what it is and always the same

So, If you don’t get what you want

Or you don’t want what you get 

There are plenty of other things you can do with your time, don’t forget!